Thursday, October 13, 2016


Maria is my best friend. I met her when I was fourteen, back in the year 2010. When she arrived to my class, I thought she was a really cool person. Honestly, I never thought she would become my best friend, because I was really awkward around people and I didn’t actually started conversations with people besides my two friends at that moment. For some reason she started to talk to me. At first it was really awkward because I wouldn’t say much, so she talked for the both of us. Now she is one of the people I love the most in the world.

She is actually studying to become a teacher at the UMCE, so our universities are really close. I would want to say that I see her very often but that would be a lie. We always talk about going out but we always end up seeing each other once a month, sometimes even less. But it doesn’t matter, because when we do see each other it’s like it hasn’t been that long and we talk for hours.

I think she is great. She isn’t quite like me, but we have things in common that I think that there are the things that matter, like we both have the same thoughts about politics, feminism and religion. That is the reason that I never get bored talking to her. She is more joyful and energetic than me, so she always know how to cheer me up if need it.

I've been always the quite one in our friendship!


  1. You seem very happy in your picture (and the costumes are great!). It's clearly that you have a nice friendship :)

  2. What a funny picture :) You both seem to have a great friendship. Your story is a little similar to my story.

  3. Make a time to be with your friend! maybe you can lunch together :)
