Thursday, October 6, 2016

My eighteen birthday's present

My eighteen birthday was very special to me. I’m not a big fan of celebrate mine; I think that my mom was way more excited than me. But at the end it was one of my best birthdays, and I think that it’s because of all the effort my mother (and my dad) did.

She and my father gave me a notebook. I loved it because I had wanted a notebook for my own personal use for a very long time. It was very pretty and modern by that year. It wasn’t just the fact that they gave me a new notebook, but the fact that it had a deep meaning make it one hundred times better. The next year I was going to go to college, so they thought it would be a very useful tool for it. And it was. I really loved this present because it was a way of them to tell me “you are going to become and adult now, with his own life. Enjoy it”. They were so proud of me going to college and turning eighteen that they really touched me. To me it wasn’t a big deal but they make it all special.

Unfortunately, it was stolen one day someone broke on my house, but I still remember that notebook with affection.

It wasn't a mac, but I liked the picture


  1. NOOOO, the end was really sad /sobs. But is really cute you think about the laptot in that way, I thik that it was a big effort from your parents, and is great to kow they actually made you happy. Also is trith that is really necessary for college, so also was a smart present :D

  2. is interesting when some thing have more value, that material price

  3. Hello Pamela! Is a good present because is very necesary in the university. I remember that you tell me this history :)

  4. Heyy pamela! that's awesome, I think the notebook is essential to make the university easier, so blessing for ur parents :)

  5. Heyy pamela! that's awesome, I think the notebook is essential to make the university easier, so blessing for ur parents :)

  6. That is a great present. Having your own computer can really make a difference when studying.
