Saturday, October 1, 2016

Task 2 - A place I would like to visit

Usually when you ask someone about their dreams, they will answer you that one of theirs is to travel. Personally, I think I wasn’t born with an adventurous soul. To travel isn’t in my priority list of things I have to do before I die. But, obviously, I would love to travel somewhere.

I think one place I would love to visit is Italy. They have a very magnificent past. The thought of being in the very roman coliseum gets me excited. Sometimes I like to look at videos or pictures of it from the inside and I think it’s just precious. It’s a vestige from an ancient civilization that wanted to dominate the world, and for a minute were in the right way to do it! It’s very hard to explain, but I think that is a country that I would love.

And It’s not just the roman coliseum. They have a very rich culture, and some awesome icons of it. Besides, it would be great to see a country that is so different from Chile. To travel it’s supposed to be a totally new experience, so I would like to look a country that doesn’t remind me of mine. And who knows; maybe if I really like the country I would just stay there!

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