Thursday, October 13, 2016


Maria is my best friend. I met her when I was fourteen, back in the year 2010. When she arrived to my class, I thought she was a really cool person. Honestly, I never thought she would become my best friend, because I was really awkward around people and I didn’t actually started conversations with people besides my two friends at that moment. For some reason she started to talk to me. At first it was really awkward because I wouldn’t say much, so she talked for the both of us. Now she is one of the people I love the most in the world.

She is actually studying to become a teacher at the UMCE, so our universities are really close. I would want to say that I see her very often but that would be a lie. We always talk about going out but we always end up seeing each other once a month, sometimes even less. But it doesn’t matter, because when we do see each other it’s like it hasn’t been that long and we talk for hours.

I think she is great. She isn’t quite like me, but we have things in common that I think that there are the things that matter, like we both have the same thoughts about politics, feminism and religion. That is the reason that I never get bored talking to her. She is more joyful and energetic than me, so she always know how to cheer me up if need it.

I've been always the quite one in our friendship!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

My eighteen birthday's present

My eighteen birthday was very special to me. I’m not a big fan of celebrate mine; I think that my mom was way more excited than me. But at the end it was one of my best birthdays, and I think that it’s because of all the effort my mother (and my dad) did.

She and my father gave me a notebook. I loved it because I had wanted a notebook for my own personal use for a very long time. It was very pretty and modern by that year. It wasn’t just the fact that they gave me a new notebook, but the fact that it had a deep meaning make it one hundred times better. The next year I was going to go to college, so they thought it would be a very useful tool for it. And it was. I really loved this present because it was a way of them to tell me “you are going to become and adult now, with his own life. Enjoy it”. They were so proud of me going to college and turning eighteen that they really touched me. To me it wasn’t a big deal but they make it all special.

Unfortunately, it was stolen one day someone broke on my house, but I still remember that notebook with affection.

It wasn't a mac, but I liked the picture

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Task 2 - A place I would like to visit

Usually when you ask someone about their dreams, they will answer you that one of theirs is to travel. Personally, I think I wasn’t born with an adventurous soul. To travel isn’t in my priority list of things I have to do before I die. But, obviously, I would love to travel somewhere.

I think one place I would love to visit is Italy. They have a very magnificent past. The thought of being in the very roman coliseum gets me excited. Sometimes I like to look at videos or pictures of it from the inside and I think it’s just precious. It’s a vestige from an ancient civilization that wanted to dominate the world, and for a minute were in the right way to do it! It’s very hard to explain, but I think that is a country that I would love.

And It’s not just the roman coliseum. They have a very rich culture, and some awesome icons of it. Besides, it would be great to see a country that is so different from Chile. To travel it’s supposed to be a totally new experience, so I would like to look a country that doesn’t remind me of mine. And who knows; maybe if I really like the country I would just stay there!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Task 1 - Tattoos

When I was younger, I thought that tattoos were only for certain groups of people, like sailors or convicts. Growing up I have changed my perception of tattoos. Now I have a totally different perception, and now I even have one myself. It’s in my back, and it’s a cat resting on a moon.

Four years ago I had the strong conviction that if you wanted to have a tattoo it would have to have a deep meaning, like people that get tattoos representing a dark moment of their lives, or a death of a loved one. Now I’m not so sure about that. I have friends with tattoos about a favorite TV show or tattoos that thought they would look pretty. At first, I believed that they would regret in a few years, but that doesn’t necessarily have to happen! I think that even if you get a tattoo of something that you posteriorly don’t like you probably won’t regret get tattooed, because it’s a representation of other times, when you were a different person, and we never have to forget who we used to be (even if you don’t like that person anymore).

I love tattoos now. I think that they show a part of people that we don’t always see.  You never know who could have a tattoo, and I think that that it’s great.